
Our “Campaigns” page is dedicated to showcasing the various efforts and initiatives that we are undertaking as the Savers Charity. Here, you can learn more about the specific campaigns that we are currently running, their objectives and the impact they are making. This page will provide detailed information on each campaign, including the issues that they address, the specific activities that we are undertaking, and the progress that we have made so far. You can also find information on how you can get involved and support our campaigns, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness. By visiting our “Campaigns” page, you will have a deeper understanding of the work we do and how you can make a difference in the lives of those affected by war in Ukraine.

our journeys.

Join Us in our campaign

Emergency Aid Campaign: This campaign would focus on providing immediate assistance to individuals and families affected by the war in Ukraine, such as food and medical supplies. The goal of this campaign is to alleviate suffering and provide basic necessities to those in need as quickly as possible. This could include distributing food and water, providing medical care, and other forms of emergency assistance.

Education and Training Campaign: This campaign would focus on providing education and vocational training opportunities to individuals affected by the war, helping them to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to rebuild their lives. The goal of this campaign is to empower individuals and provide them with the tools they need to improve their livelihoods and build a better future. This could include providing education and vocational training programs, as well as scholarships and other forms of financial assistance.

Home Reconstruction Campaign: This campaign would focus on rebuilding and rehabilitating homes for families affected by the war, providing them with safe and secure places to live. The goal of this campaign is to provide individuals and families with a sense of stability and security by rebuilding their homes and communities. This could include rebuilding homes, providing construction materials and other forms of assistance.

Mental Health and Wellness Campaign: This campaign would focus on providing emotional and psychological support to individuals affected by the war, including counseling and other support services. The goal of this campaign is to help individuals and families cope with the trauma of war and begin to rebuild their lives. This could include providing counseling and other forms of emotional support, as well as organizing support groups and other forms of social support.

Peacebuilding Campaign: This campaign would focus on addressing the root causes of the conflict and working towards long-term solutions for sustainable peace in Ukraine. The goal of this campaign is to work towards a lasting peace by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the conflict and working with local communities and organizations to promote peace and reconciliation.

Community Empowerment Campaign: This campaign would focus on empowering local communities affected by the war



They Need Your Help!

Donating to the Savers Charity allows individuals to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by war in Ukraine. It is an investment in a better future, a way to support those in need, and to be part of a community that is committed to making the world a better place.